Area (square meters) | 1,500 |
Net infrastructure (m2) | 1,200 |
Annual property rental fee (Euro) | 16,000 |
The cost of purchasing equipment and machinery (Euro) | 240,000 |
Fixed investment capital (euro) | 741,717 |
Annual operating cost (Euro) | 1,212,626 |
Annual production capacity of
simple artificial stone (m2) |
24,000 |
Annual production capacity of artificial stone of
Patina design (m2) |
12,000 |
The annual production capacity of artificial
stone design (m2) |
12,000 |
Annual income (Euro) | 1,599,840 |
Net Present value (NPV) | 1,859,372 |
Investment Return Rate (IRR) | 9.9% |
Pay Back Period (PBP) | 12th year of investment / 10th year of operation |
One of the basic principles in choosing building materials is to pay attention to beauty and resistance factors. This issue has caused the producers of these materials to produce beautiful and hard products. An example of these construction materials are artificial stones. These products, obtaining from the combination of natural stones with additives, add beauty to the buildings. The diversity in shape, color and design has caused the amount of use of these stones to be very various today.
The construction of the artificial stone production plant will be built on a land with an area of about 1500 square meters and will cost about 741000 Euros. Based on the data and assumptions presented in the report, the current value of the cash flow is positive, the internal return rate is equal to 9.9%, the benefit-to-cost ratio is 1.09, and the investment return period will be the tenth year of operation.
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